Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting things critiqued = Anxiety attack

I guess you know you're a newbie when you have an anxiety attack over posting your story in a critique forum.

I know critiques are good. I know critiques are helpful. But critiques are... scary!

I guess I just don't want to get laughed off the board. But hey, there's always the "Delete Post" button, right? And I am a cyber-stranger to these folks.

Here's to getting advice and gaining confidence. I sure hope that's what happens with it. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Alabama Writer's Conclave

Super excited to be attending the Alabama Writer's Conclave conference this Saturday! I'm looking forward to attending Jo Kittinger's Children's Writing workshops, and meeting some new friends. :)

Now if we can only get our internet back up and running. Hun's wireless card is terribly slow, and I have to fight him for it - ugh!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Auburn Writers Conference - WooHoo!

After years (and years) of pharmacy school, I vowed to never take another class. Never.

What is that old saying about never saying never? :)

I've just confirmed my registration for the October Auburn Writers Conference, and I couldn't be more excited! The conference schedule looks fab, and I love that it is all about writing for children. I'm also thrilled with my workshop assignments (no more medicinal chemistry class for me, hee hee).

This time I can't wait to get my learn on!

Check it out and join me if you can: